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发布日期:2024-07-17 04:27    点击次数:180



On October 21 local time, agreements singed and consensus reached by China and the UK during President Xi Jinping's state visit to the UK are as follows: 当地时期10月21日,国度主席习近平对英国进行国是探望时间,中英两边签署、终了的左券和共鸣如下:

I. Intergovernmental and Non-commercial Agreements 一、政府间和非生意左券

(1) National Development and Reform Commission and the UK Treasury signed the "Memorandum of Understanding Between China and the UK on Strengthening Cooperation in Infrastructure and Public Utilities and Other Investment and Financing Including in the Field of Franchising". (一)发展改革委与英国财政部签署《对于中英加强基础能力和公用行状过头他投融资包括通过特准野心花样鸿沟合营的热心备忘录》

(2) National Development and Reform Commission and UK's Department for Business, Innovation and Skills signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Cooperation in Emerging Industries". (二)发展改革委与英国生意、创新和技巧部签署《对于加强新兴产业合营的热心备忘录》

(3) General Administration of Customs and Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs of the UK signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Service". (三)海关总署与英国皇家税务与海关署签署《对于海关事务的合营与行政互助的热心备忘录》

(4) Ministry of Commerce and UK's Department for International Development signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Partnership in Development Cooperation and Effectively Implementing Goals of Sustainable Development". (四)商务部与英国外洋发展部签署《对于加强发展合营,有用落实可握续发展认识的伙伴关连热心备忘录》

(5) Ministry of Commerce and UK's Department for Business, Innovation and Skills singed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Local Trade and Investment Cooperation Between China and the UK". (五)商务部与英国生意、创新和技巧部签署《对于加强中英两国场合贸易投资合营的热心备忘录》

(6) National Energy Administration and UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change signed the "Joint Statement on Strengthening Package Cooperation in Bilateral Civilian Nuclear Energy". (六)国度动力局与英国动力和征象变化部《对于加强两国民用核能一揽子合营的集结声明》

(7) National Energy Administration and UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Partnership Between China and the UK in Clean Energy". (七)国度动力局与英国动力和征象变化部《中英清洁动力伙伴关连热心备忘录》

(8) Development Research Center of the State Council and UK's Department for International Development signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Developing Knowledge Partnership Between China and the UK". (八)国务院发展权谋中心与英国外洋发展部签署《对于中英发展常识合营伙伴的热心备忘录》

(9) China Banking Regulatory Commission and UK's Prudential Regulation Authority signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Regulatory Cooperation". (九)银监会与英国审慎监管局签署《双边监管合营热心备忘录》

(10) China National Nuclear Corporation and UK's National Nuclear Laboratory signed the "Key Provisions of Agreement on the Establishment of China-UK Joint Nuclear Research and Innovation Center". (十)中核集团与英国国度核实践室签署《对于配置中英集结核权谋与创新中心的关节条件左券》

(11) People's Bank of China and Bank of England signed the "RMB/Pound Bilateral Currency Swap Agreement". (十一)中国东谈主民银行与英格兰银行签署《东谈主民币/英镑双边本币互换左券》

(12) China Scholarship Council and Imperial College London signed the "Agreement on Cooperation in Program for Innovative Talent Training". (十二)国度留学基金委与英国帝国理工学院签署《创新东谈主才培养技俩合营左券》

(13) China-UK Cultural Fund and University of Cambridge launched research of "China and the World in World War II". (十三)中英文化基金与剑桥大学发起“二战中的中国和宇宙”课题权谋

II. Commercial Agreements 二、生意左券

(1) China General Nuclear Power Corporation and Electricité de France signed the "Agreement on Investment in Nuclear Power Projects of the UK". (一)中广核集团与法国电力集团签署《英国核电技俩投资左券》

(2) China Investment Corporation, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Carnival Corporation & plc Cooperation and Fincantieri signed the "Agreement on Cooperation in Projects of Luxury Cruise Construction and Operation". (二)中投公司、中船集团与嘉年华英国公司、芬坎蒂尼公司签署《豪华游轮建造及运营技俩合营左券》

(3) China Huadian Corporation and BP signed the "Agreement on Long-term Natural Gas Trade". (三)中国华电集团与英国石油公司签署《自然气始终贸易左券》

(4) China National Petroleum Corporation and BP signed the "Framework Agreement on Strategic Cooperation". (四)中国石油自然气集团与英国石油公司签署《策略合营框架左券》

(5) HNA Group and Rolls-Royce Holdings signed the "Purchase of Engine Product Support and Maintenance Service of 42 A330 Aircrafts". (五)海航集团与罗罗公司签署《对于42架A330飞机发动机居品救济及维修职业采购技俩》

(6) CITIC Group Corporation, ABP (London) Investment Limited and DF Holdings Group Limited signed the "General Contracting Agreement on Development Project of Royal Albert Dock of the UK". (六)中信集团与ABP(伦敦)投资公司、谈丰控股集团有限公司签署《英国皇家阿尔伯特船埠开发技俩总承包左券》

(7) China Construction Bank and London Metal Exchange signed the "Agreement on Acquisition of Ring Dealing Member Metdist Trading Limited of London Metal Exchange". (七)中国开发银行与伦敦金属交游所签署《收购伦敦金融交游所圈内会员迈特迪斯特公司左券》

(8) Hong Kong Stock Exchange and London Metal Exchange signed the "Agreement on Establishing Connectivity Mechanism of Futures Market between London and Hong Kong". (八)香港交游所与伦敦金属交游所签署《配置伦敦和香港两地期货市集互联互通机制左券》

(9) China Three Gorges Corporation and Energias de Portugal signed the "Agreement on Jointly Investing and Developing UK's MORAY Offshore Wind Power Project". (九)中国三峡集团与葡萄牙国度电力公司签署《对于集结投资开发英国MORAY海优势电技俩的合营左券》

(10) Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and BP Shipping signed the "Agreement on Cooperation in Project of Oil Tanker Operating and Leasing and Standby Loan". (十)中国工商银行与英国石油航运公司签署《油轮野心租借技俩及备用贷款合营左券》

(11) China Development Bank and UK Trade & Investment signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in UK's Infrastructure and Energy Projects". (十一)国度开发银行与英国贸易投资署签署《对于英国基础能力、动力技俩合营备忘录》

(12) Agricultural Bank of China and London Stock Exchange Group signed the "Memorandum of Strategic Cooperation in Green Finance". (十二)中国农业银行与伦敦证券交游所集团签署《绿色金融策略合营备忘录》

(13) China Poly Group Corporation and UK's Ambassador Theatre Group signed an agreement on cooperation in introducing repertoire and managing theater. (十三)保利集团与英国大使剧院集团签署对于剧目引进及剧院惩办等合营的左券

(14) China National Building Materials Group Corporation and WElINK Energy signed an agreement on cooperation in projects of UK's photovoltaic power stations and new houses. (十四)中国建材集团与WELINK动力公司签署对于英国光伏电站及新式房屋技俩合营的左券

(15) SANY Group, CITIC Group Corporation and DF Holding Group Limited signed the "Agreement on Investment and Cooperation with UK's Equipment Rental Companies". (十五)三一重工、中信集团与谈丰控股集团签署《对于英国拓荒租借公司投资合营左券》

(16) Beijing Construction Engineering Group, R1 Financial Group, Relentless Investments Limited and RGJR Limited signed the "Joint Venture Agreement of St. Michaels Investment Limited". (十六)北京建工集团与R1投资公司、RELENTLESS投资公司、RGJR有限公司签署《圣·迈克投资有限公司结伙左券》

(17) China Construction Bank, China Regenerative Medicine International Limited and University of Oxford signed an agreement on establishing the CCBI-CRMI Technology Centre at the University of Oxford. (十七)中国开发银行、中国再生医学外洋有限公司与牛津大学签署对于建银外洋·中国再生医学牛津大学研发中心的左券

(18) Beijing Rongtong Zhongke Science and Technology Industry Limited, University of Glasgow and TransteknIQ Limited signed an agreement on China-UK Science and Technology Park and China-UK Innovative Centre at the University of Glasgow. (十八)北京融通中科科技产业有限公司与格拉斯哥大学、TransteknIQ本领公司签署对于中英科技园合格拉斯哥大学中英创新中心的左券

(19) Shanghai Fosun High Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. and Thomas Cook Group signed an agreement on further strengthening bilateral cooperation. (十九)上海复星高技术(集团)有限公司与Thomas Cook集团签署对于进一步加强两边合营的左券

(20) BYD Co Ltd and Alexander Dennis Limited signed the "Electric Buses Manufacturing Agreement". (二十)比亚迪集团与亚历山大·丹尼斯公司签署《电动大巴坐蓐左券》

(21) China Taiping Insurance Group Ltd. and Lloyd's signed memorandum of understanding on bilateral cooperation. (二十一)中国太平保障集团与劳合社签署两边合营热心备忘录

(22) China-Africa Development Fund and UK Department for International Development signed the "Memorandum on Cooperation in Promoting Investment and Export to Africa". (二十二)中非发展基金有限公司与英国外洋发展部签署《对于促进非洲投资和出口合营备忘录》

(23) IZP Technologies Co., Ltd. and Plurimi Group signed an agreement on cross-border clearing and settlement system between China and the UK. (二十三)亿赞普公司与Plurimi集团签署对于中国-英国跨境清结算系统的左券

(24) Bright Dairy & Food Group, Hong Kong Carter International Ltd. and Dream Garden Co. signed an agreement on investment in the project of building "Dream Gardens" in Shanghai. (二十四)光明牛奶集团、香港卡特外洋有限公司与梦思花圃公司签署对于投资在上海修建“梦思花圃”技俩的左券

(25) Development Research Center of the State Council and Shell International Ltd. signed an agreement on joint research of "Global Energy Transformation and China's Energy Revolution". (二十五)国务院发展权谋中心与壳牌外洋有限公司签署对于“人人动力转型与中国动力立异”集结权谋的左券

(26) Bank of Communications and UK Trade & Investment signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Cooperation". (二十六)交通银行与英国贸易投资署签署《两边合营热心备忘录》

(27) China Culture Investment Culture Industry (Beijing) Group Ltd. and University of York signed an agreement on the projects of the Department of Theatre, Film and Television of University of York. (二十七)华文投文化产业(北京)集团有限公司与约克大学签署对于约克大学影视学院技俩的左券

(28) Tsinghua University, Building Research Establishment and Evergrande Cooperation Center signed the "Agreement on Research Platform of Sustainable Urbanization Between China and the UK". (二十八)清华大学与英国建筑权谋院、恒大合营中心签署《中英可握续城镇化权谋平台左券》

III. Other Outcomes 三、其他遵守

(1) The sixth China-UK Defence Strategic Consultation will be held in the UK in 2015. (一)2015年内在英国举行第六次中英防务策略权谋

(2) China-UK indoor exercise of evacuation of nationals will be held in 2016. (二)2016年举行中英集结撤侨室内推演

(3) Establishing China-UK international peacekeeping cooperation mechanism has been discussed. (三)探讨配置中英外洋维和合营机制

(4) Ningbo Shipping Exchange and Baltic Exchange jointly issued the "Maritime Silk Road Containerized Freight Index". (四)宁波航交所与波罗的海交游所集结发布“海上丝绸之路集装箱指数”

(5) China is willing to discuss building "China-UK innovation cooperation partnership" with the UK. (五)中方愿同英方探讨配置“中英创新合营伙伴关连”

(6) The fourth China-UK Energy Dialogue was held on October 19, 2015 in London. (六)2015年10月19日在伦敦举办第四次中英动力对话

(7) The first China-UK Development Forum and the first China-UK Reform and Innovation Forum were held on October 22, 2015 in London. (七)2015年10月22日在伦敦举办第一届中英发展论坛、第一届中英改革和创新论坛

(8) The sixth China-UK Internet Roundtable was held on October 19, 2015 in the UK. (八)2015年10月19日在英举办第六届中英互联网圆桌论坛

(9) Both sides agreed to hold the third China-UK Intellectual Property Symposium in 2016. (九)两边高兴2016年举办第三届中英常识产权接头会

(10) The first China-UK Media Roundtable will be held on November 19, 2015 in the UK. (十)2015年11月19日在英举办第一届中英媒体圆桌会议

(11) The "Chinese Film Festival" was held from October 15 to 16, 2015 in London, and the "Chinese Film Day" was held on October 19, 2015 in Edinburgh. (十一)2015年10月15日至16日在伦敦举办“中国电影展”,并于10月19日在爱丁堡举办“中国电影日”

(12) China Central Television hosted the launch ceremony of the documentary "Confucius" (international edition). (十二)中央电视台举办记载片《孔子》(外洋版)开播庆典

(13) The construction project of the European branch of News Center of China Central Television. (十三)中央电视台新闻中心欧洲分台开发技俩

(14) China Central Television cooperates with UK's Silvergate Media to produce the animation "The Octonauts" (Series 5). (十四)中央电视台与英国银色之门媒体公司合营制作动画片《海底小纵队》第五季

(15) People's Bank of China granted underwriting license of debt instruments of non-financial enterprises to Standard Chartered Bank. (十五)中国东谈主民银行批准渣打银行取得非金融企业债务融资用具承销派司

(16) China Development Bank issues 1 billion USD and 500 million EUR bond in the UK. (十六)国度开发银行在英刊行10亿好意思元、5亿欧元债券

(17) A representative office of China Development Bank in the UK was approved and opened on October 22, 2015. (十七)国度开发银行获批开设英国代表处并在2015年10月22日挂牌

(18) State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and British Film Institute signed the "Memorandum on China-UK Film Cooperation". (十八)新闻出书广电总局与英国电影协会签署《中英电影合营备忘录》


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